Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hope you all enjoy my fiction story. This story dedicated to a Polish Visual Rock Band 'ShoGAI' <3


§         PRINCESS HIKARI : A Japanese Princess who bewitched to be a statue 100 years ago.
§         SAKERU: A Polish guy who came to Japan for holiday because he loved that country.
§         YASEI: A Polish guy, Sakeru’s friend and also came to Japan with Sakeru.
§         WITCH SUIRYU / GRANDMA: A witch who killed the royal family and bewitching Princess Hikari into a statue. She also disguised as a kindly grandmother.
§         SAKURA: A girl who lives with her grandma (Witch Suiryu). She also loved Sakeru, but her love is not reciprocated.

Sakeru and Yasei finally chose to spend this Christmas holiday in Japan. They went to Japan by a plane and arrived in Tokyo, Japan. From Tokyo they immediately proceeded to Hirosaki. Hirosaki is located almost at the northern tip of Honshu Island. The city is famous with the beautiful palaces and also the largest city of apple production in Japan. In addition, the city is famous with cherry blossom festival which celebrated in April every year.

In this city they lived in a kindly grandma’s house who lives with her granddaughter named Sakura. Sakura’s grandma was old and sickly, while Sakura was an orphaned girl. Her father and mother had died when she was a baby. Actually Sakura had died a year ago due to illness, but grandma's magic made her alive with put the spirits that exist in the cherry blossoms at her body. But everything was just temporary. Sakura fell in love with Sakeru at first time she saw him because he’s good looking and very nice. Yasei also good looking, and cool guy but Sakura prefer to like Sakeru. She told a lot about Japan to Sakeru and Sakeru enjoyed it. Sakeru is a Polish guy but he loved Japan. He fell in love with Japanese musics, songs, customs, foods and other Japanese stuffs, he loved them all.

One night Sakeru walk out, he left Yasei at home. Sakeru walked alone and enjoyed the night atmosphere; he suddenly stopped in the lake. From a distance he saw a very pretty girl with red long hair, looks elegant wearing kimono. That girl dancing on the edge of a lake with no musical accompaniment but she greatly enjoyed, occasionally visible smile on her face.

Sakeru fascinated to see her, "She’s so pretty! Who's that girl? "Sakeru wondered silently. When he looked again, she was gone. Sakeru looked around the lake but he did not find her. Then Sakeru back to home and told to Grandma, Sakura and Yasei what he saw.
"I saw a girl wearing kimono, dancing around the edge of the lake. She's very pretty, with red long hair. Grandma, did you know her?” Sakeru asked to grandma.
"As far I knew every girl in this village didn’t allowed to walking around in the middle of the night, maybe she was a girl from the other village" said grandma.

Then Grandma told them that the village formerly was a kingdom and the palace exactly right on the lake where Sakeru seen the girl with kimono.
"100 years ago, a fierce battle going on in the village. The Samurai warriors fighting against an evil witch. The Witch named Suiryu. The witch wanted to rule the kingdom but all the villagers opposed her because every month the witch kidnaps and make innocent babies as victimizing to obtain greater strength. The battle against the witch lasted ± 10 years. In the end, the kingdom fell into the hands of a witch after she bewitched Princess Hikari into a statue and killed all the royal family as well as transforms the palace into a lake. Princess Hikari was the only daughter possessed by the King and the royal consort "said grandma.
"But Grandma, where’s the statue of Princess Hikari now?" asked Yasei curious.
"There a statue on the lake where palace formed" said grandma.
"But I didn’t see it when I get there" said Sakeru confused.
"You should check it again tomorrow, and you will find the statue there." said Grandma to Sakeru.
"Now you all went to sleep, it's late." then Grandma said to them and she stood up and walked towards her room.
Many questions in Sakeru’s head about the Kimono girl, royal, Princess Hikari and The Witch "Tomorrow I will go into the lake to see the statue. To see the truth of the stories" Sakeru said to himself.

In the morning, Sakeru went to the lake and he saw there was a statue, right in the edge of the lake. The statue was similar with the kimono girl, he saw last night. But there was a difference on her face. The face of the statue looked sad while the kimono girl looked happy. Sakeru still curious about the girl, then he returned to the lake in the middle of the night. There he saw that girl sits alongside of the lake. She looked sad. Then Sakeru approached the girl and sat down next to her.
"Hi ... What are you doing here in middle of the night?" asked Sakeru to the girl.
"I lived here, my palace was in here in this lake" replied the girl.
"This lake?"
"Yes, my palace was right in the middle of the lake" she said and pointing toward the lake.
"Who are you?" asked Sakeru confused.
"My name is Hikari. Actually I was a princess and this lake was a palace where I lived" then Hikari told him about what happened to her life, how her parents were killed by a witch Suiryu, she turned into a statue, and Suiryu bewitched palace into a lake, etc.
"Your stories like a movie" said Sakeru.
"Yeah, but everything that happened to me wasn’t a movie. It was a fact. My parents are dead, now I just want to be a human, I want a normal life like past" Hikari said with a sad face.
"Don’t be sad Hikari, I promise I will help you. I'll figure out how you get to be human again." Sakeru said with a smile.
"Thank you, you’re really nice" said Hikari.
"You’re welcome; from now on we were friends. Just call me Sakeru "
"Yes Sakeru" Hikari said with a smile.
Hikari suddenly felt that it was time to turn into a statue, and then he said to Sakeru "Sakeru .... Come here tomorrow midnight"
Sakeru didn’t answer her and Hikari was turned back into a form of sculpture.

Sakeru went to home and told everything to grandma. And he said, “Grandma, please tell me how to liberate Hikari from this magic and she could turn into a human? Please ...grandma, we should help her."
Then grandma replied, "It all depends on her fate"
"What did you mean?" asked Sakeru confused.
"She must find her true love and a man must sacrifice for her. But there’s one more thing and I didn’t know what it is" Grandma said.
"I was confused and didn’t know what to do to help her" said Sakeru.
"You can not help her. It was 100 years ago, she bewitched in to a statue and until now no one can save her" Grandma said.
"I'm going to try anyway!" Sakeru said with confidence. Then Sakeru went to his room, he saw Yasei asleep and he lay down on bed, and thinking about what should he do to help Hikari.

The next day, Sakeru woke up in the morning. Then he walked out of his room, grandma told him, "Stop thinking to help her, because you can not!"
"Why grandma said like that?" asked Sakeru silently. Sakeru pretended not to hear her words and he went to the bathroom. After a shower and breakfast, Sakeru rushed off to the lake to see the statue of Princess Hikari. He also brought his guitar. After arriving at the lake, he was sad to see Hikari in the form of a statue, and then he started to play his guitar and singing:

te no naka ni wa aisuru beki hito sae mo hanabanashiku chitte
te no naka ni wa ikita imi kisande mo munashiki hana to chiru
So I can't live So I can't live
Sou naku shita mono wa
So I can't live So I can't live
mou umarenai
So I can't live So I can't live
ikiteru akashi sae
So I can't live So I can't live
motomerarenai uta
Let's put an end... The Final
raisui no tsubomi sakaseyou”

(In English):
“Even loved ones scatter like petals from flowers in my hand
So even if I engraved the meaning that I lived in my hand, the petals will just scatter as flowers of vanity
So I can't live So I can't live
What's lost can't be born again
So I can't live So I can't live
A song that's not even seeking the proof of living
Let's put an end . . . the final
Let's bloom flowers of attempted suicide”

Out of nowhere, all of a sudden a bunch of butterflies come enveloped the statue and a white light visible up and out of the statue. Looks statue was gradually transformed and eventually being a human.
"Hikari!" said Sakeru and hugged Hikari.
"Sakeru, this magic has disappeared. I turn into a human again "Hikari said, smiling happily.

"Why did you help her?"
Sakeru looked at the people who speak it. Turns out it was grandma’s voice, Sakura also there with her. They came while walking towards Sakeru and Hikari.
"Because I love her!" Sakeru replied firmly and confidently.
"Love made you blind, young man. Your love to that girl will not be able to beat me" said grandma, swinging her stick toward Hikari but Sakeru encourages Hikari and eventually he was hurt.
Clutching his chest filled with blood, Sakeru said, "I love her with all my heart and I guess that was enough to defeat the forces of evil did you have"

Then Sakeru took a knife from his pocket and threw it to grandma. The knife is an heirloom given by his father before he died. The knife pierced the right on the heart of grandma and grandma eventually turned into dust. Sakura crying over her grandma who had died, and she suddenly turned into cherry blossoms. Then the lake turned into a beautiful palace filled with cherry blossoms.

"I never thought it turned out grandma was the evil witch Suiryu" said Sakeru.
"Yeah you’re right. She’s the evil witch Suiryu. By the way thank you so much Sakeru, because you’ve saved my life" Hikari said with smile on her face. Then Yasei came, he was very surprised to see the palace "As I know here is a lake, how could this happened?" said Yasei confused. Then Sakeru recounted the incident had just happened.

After the incident, Princess Hikari gave the palace to the Japanese government that they care for and maintain the palace. Then Hikari decided to go with Sakeru and Yasei to Poznan, Poland. Hikari stayed and settled there. She lived happily together with Sakeru, Yasei and her friends.

~The End~

Sunday, December 2, 2012


                                         Hope you guys enjoy my fiction story about Jenlayn members ^_^

  • Jae (Edward Cullen)
  • Yura (Isabella Swan)
  • Red (Jacob Black)
  • Jere (Emmet Cullen)
  • Obi (Jesper Cullen)

And the story begin:

After finished his study at one of University in Helsinki, Finland. Yura moved to Espoo to find a job and live with his father there. Yura's father was a police chief in Espoo. Yura actually wanted to stay with his mother in Helsinki but there is no suitable job for him. Then he chose to live with his father in Espoo.

The next day Yura started to look for work. He walked around, looking at; there may be a flyer on the paste side of the road or in front of the shops. Then he saw a newspaper seller and Yura bought the newspaper. "Hopefully, there’re advertising jobs for me here" said Yura. Yup.. finally he saw a job posting there.
"Jenlayn Band looking for a Vocalist, auditions starting on November 25, 2012 at Jenlayn’s Studio at 10 am"
"Omg audition tomorrow, luckily I bought this newspaper" Yura said.

"It's time to audition!!" Yura said with a radiant face. Then he went to the audition. Upon arriving at Jenlayn’s Studio, he saw three people sitting there. They are Jenlayn members. The first guy, named Jere, he’s big, brawny and brown hair. The second guy, taller, more slender, but muscular and blond hair, he was Obi. The last guy, he has nice body, black hair, he was Jae. They are pale, the palest of all the people in this room. Their eyes are very dark, so contrast with the color of their hair. But that's not all that makes Yura can not turn away, their faces are so different, yet very similar, all outstanding, the beauty that radiates cruelty.

Yura stared silently Jae. Jae knew that Yura was looking at him. Then Jae looked at Yura, they were staring at each other. After the audition, Yura rushed out of the room and headed for the car park. He sees there’s Obi, Jae and Jere were standing in front of their car.
They’re quite a distance away from Yura. Suddenly a car drove very fast moving towards Yura. Jae came very quickly and his hands gripped the bottom of the car and pull Yura.
"Are you okay?" Jae said.
"I'm okay" Yura said
"Be careful" Jae said
Yura was shocked that happened today, he was almost hit by a car, and Jae saved him.

At night, Yura dreamed about Jae. Jae came to his room and called his name
"Yura… Yura ... Yura ..." he smiled at Yura. This is the first time Yura dreamed about Jae.

Yura woke up in the morning then saw there was a text message in his phone. He read the message, apparently from Obi "Bassist of Jenlayn", he said that Yura pass the first audition and qualify to the second audition tomorrow. Yura was very happy and told his father that he pass the first audition.
"Dad, I pass the first audition and tomorrow I will go to the second audition"
"That’s good Yura, glad to hear that" his father said with a smile on his face.
"Btw Red and his father will come to our home this evening. You can go with Red while me and his father watching football on TV”. Shortly thereafter, Red came to Yura’s home with his father. Red is a Yura’s friend since Yura was a kid and they didn’t meet each other for along time. Actually, Red like Yura, but Yura never realized because Yura considers Jae as his best friend. Red was a werewolf and Yura never knew about this.

Yura told to Red about Jenlayn vocalist audition. But Red unhappy with it because he knew Jenlayn members were vampires. Then Red told the story of his ancestors used against vampires and told to Yura characteristic of a vampire: blood drinkers, enemies of the werewolf, cold-skinned and immortal.

The next day, second audition, Yura went to the Jenlayn’s studio and there he sang 2 songs for a second audition. After auditioning over, Yura walked out and Jae followed behind.
"Why are you following me Jae?" asked Yura
"I followed the scent of your body, you're so different. You have something that is not owned by any human being. I've felt this since I first saw you" Jae said.

Then Yura told to him about what did Red tell to him yesterday that Jenlayn members are vampires. But Jae just laughed at it all.
"How old are you?" Yura asked Jae .
"24 years old"
How long have you been 24 years old?"
"Long enough"
Jae finally admitted.
"But how can you come out during the day? Ahhh forget it, I have a question that is more important than that. So what’s your food? asked Yura. “Yesterday Red told me that you and your friends just hunting animals and not humans, is that true?
"Yeah we tried, but sometimes we also make mistakes" said Jae.
"Tomorrow you will see the real me, I promise"

After that Yura returned to his house, he can not wait for tomorrow. He's always thinking about Jae and his friends (Jere and Obi).
"There are three things that I believe to be the truth: first Jae is a vampire attack. Second, there was part of him and I didn’t know exactly, he’s thirsty for my blood. And third, I fell in love with him, unconditionally, forever "Yura said to himself.

The last audition, Yura sang "Lonely Fall" it was really good performance.
"Amazing!" said Obi. Finally Obi, Jae and Jere decided to choose Yura as their new vocalist. And Jere announced that Yura is the winner of this audition. Yura very happy but he was very curious whether Jenlayn members are Vampires.
After that, Yura saw Jae out of the room and followed behind. Jae headed to some place quiet and standing in the sun. Yura was enthralled.
“Omg he’s so beautiful, his skin glistening like diamonds” Yura said.
"Aren’t you afraid of me?" asked Jae
"No! You're so beautiful, there's no reason I'm afraid of you. Can you bite me? I also want to be a vampire like you "said Yura
"Are you mocking me?" said Jae with a very surprised look Yura.
"I could turn you into a vampire, but don’t you regret it?” Jae asked to Yura.
"Yeah, I'm not regret" Yura said confidently.
"You're like heroin; you are my brand new heroin. Come to me my heroin!” said Jae. Yura came to him then he bites Yura on his neck. Yura eventually become a vampire and joined with Obi, Jae and Jere.

Red was very upset. He came to Jae’s house for revenge.
"Jae!!! Out of your house" shouted Red
Jae opened the door and saw Red standing before him.
"What did you come here?" asked Jae
"You know what I mean!" Said Red

Then Red becomes very scary, he turned into a werewolf and trying to bite Jae,
he tried to pounce Jae “the vampire” but it was in vain, he did not succeed because Jae defeated him. Eventually they made a deal, Jae should not bite humans again, and he must always keep Yura. Jae also agree with all of that and he promises this is the last time he bites people and will always keep Yura.

Red and Jae finally became friends. Jae invited him to join their band “Jenlayn” because they needed a guitarist. Red decides to join and become a member of Jenlayn. So Jenlayn had 5 members: Jae and Red on Guitar, Yura on vocals, Obi on bass and kantele and Jere on drums. They recorded and released their new song "Alice". They are became good friends and there’s no enmity between them forever.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


This is my first Fanfic, hope you enjoy it :)

The fiction story about Karmia and the members:
  • Sharan as Batman (When I saw Sharan’s Halloween pics reminded me Batman’s enemies, Joker and Two-Face) 
  •  Ana as Pirate Captain (Because his hairstyle and he’s always wearing glasses) 
  •  Doku as Japanese Ninja (Because he’s so mysterious and always wearing scarf ) 
  •  Hypo as Werewolf (He looks like werewolf on his Halloween pics) 
  •  Kiba as Emo Model (I remember when Yura and Ana commented on my drawing. Yura said “Kiba’s hair like waterfall” “No… his hair looks like Emo Hair” Ana said.) 

And the story begin : 

Actually Karmia members have their own profession: Sharan as a Batman, Ana as a Pirate Captain, Doku as a Japanese Ninja, Hypo as a student in university/ also as a werewolf and Kiba as an Emo Model.
Sharan lived in Helsinki, Finland with his family. But no one knows he is a superhero. At that time, Sharan and his friends went to the forest for camping. When he walked around the forest, he found a cave then he entered to the cave and looked around. “Oh gosh, this cave too dark, I can’t see clearly” Sharan switch on the flashlight and he saw many bats in the cave. “Damn bats. I need to go out of this cave” he said. When he was walking, a bat bite him on his arm. After that everything’s has changed, Sharan became a man who has super power. He realized he got super power to save all the people in the world. Then he sewed his own clothes and other stuffs, he’s wearing mask so people can’t see his face and he called his own self “Batman”. Sharan always defeated his enemies (Joker, Two-face, Poison Ivy, Penguin etc) with his voice. This is so strange. One day he’s looking around the town and he saw 2 guys rob the bank. Then he’s started to singing a song, yes true he has beautiful voices. “Omg Batman has beautiful voices that I’ve never heard before” the robber said. Then they’re singing together. They forgot to run away from Batman, until the police come to arrest the robbers. Because his super power didn’t useful, people finally demonstrated him and they told to Sharan to stop being a Batman. Sharan stopped from his job and he wanted to continue his singing talent. He wanted to form a band with his friends. 

After graduated his school, Ana became a Pirate Captain. He has his own ship and own crews. He was a good-hearted pirate. He robbed the rich ship and then he distributed the gold, money etc to the poor people in the village. One day Ana was driving the ship, he suddenly heard one of his crew sing and unconsciously he took the guitar on his back then played the guitar. Finally the ship sank because no one driving. Since ship accident, Ana stop being a Pirate Captain because he has not got the ship and all the crew walked away. He eventually returned to the city and met Sharan there. 

At that time, Doku lived in Tokyo, Japan because he wanted to be a ninja. He practiced every day and eventually he became a very powerful ninja. Ninja outfit he was wearing given by his sensei. Black clothes equipped with muzzles and hoodie, so only his eyes visible. And the other ninja stuffs have given to him by his teacher. Because nowadays has been a lot of police, the ninja Doku no longer used to combat crime. So he needs a new job and finally he called Ana and Ana invited him to join their band. Then he back to Helsinki. 

Hypo is a Student; he continued his school to University in Helsinki. No one knows if he was a werewolf, only his family knows. His father descended from a werewolf. Hypo has tremendous power. At that time when the full moon, he transformed into a werewolf, a giant wolf, he's exactly like a giant wolf monster. This made him depressed and he distanced himself from his friends. He wants to have a normal life like everyone else. Then Hypo told his father "Dad, I want to have a normal life like everyone else. I want to be a human and live a normal life. Please Dad tell me, what should I do?" His father said "You can be a human being but there is one condition that you must follow". When the time has come, it was a full moon night. They must hold a ritual for Hypo that human desires can be realized. Hypo suddenly transformed into a werewolf, and then he started to shave all his fur, because it is a requirement to be human. After he fur shaved everything, he slowly transformed itself into a human. After the incident, Hypo never again to be a werewolf during the full moon. And he could get together again with his friends Sharan, Ana, and Doku. 

Kiba is an Emo Model. He is very famous for his distinctive emo style with blue hair. He was very busy at work everyday so he did not have time to meet his friends. So he was bored with his job. "Why do people only see my face, my hair, my style and look right? They will never know I'm so talented to play guitar" Kiba asked himself. Finally he called Ana and Ana told him that they would form a band. Next day Kiba quit from his job and he went to meet his friends. 

They met each other and eventually formed a band. Their band name is Karmia (from Finnish language means: Horrible) actually related to their horrible past. Sharan (vocals), Ana (Lead guitar), Doku (Bass), Hypo (Drums), and Kiba (Rhythm guitar). Their first live was in Helsinki. Recorded their songs by themselves and produced and editing on their first PV "Enigma" by themselves. Halloween on October 31, 2012, they did a photoshoot for their latest promo song titled "Moth". To commemorate his enemies when he was a Batman, Sharan make up and dress up like Joker and Two-face (They are the enemies that have been defeated by Batman Sharan). Hypo unknowingly posing as a werewolf on Halloween photoshoot. Each day Kiba also can not be separated from his emo hairstyle, he was also very photogenic every photos. Ana always wearing glasses, maybe this became a habit when he was work as a Pirate Captain who always covers his one eye. Doku so mysterious always wearing scarf to cover his face. Because it was used when he was work as a Japanese ninja. 

Eventually the habit is still there, unconsciously Karmia members are accustomed and still remember their first professions.